Valentines Day Scrooges and Haters

I just wanted to briefly share my thoughts on the Valentines Day haters out there. While l can greatly appreciate your anti consumerist sentiment, I nevertheless think it is grossly misplaced.

Of all the seasonal events to hate you choose the one that celebrates love? The one that celebrates love for the sake of love – I couldn’t think of a better thing to do to spice up another otherwise arbitrary day of the week.

Of course you don’t need some poor capitlist driven excuse of a day to remind you to love, and of course any decent and intelligent person knows to suprise their better half on any given day of the week.

If your going to hate on Valentines day might as well put those Christmas presents back under the tree that represents a religion you don’t believe in if not despise, those easter eggs back in the basket. Better put that Guinness down and leave the pub that you have absolutely no heritage to and forgo any further celebrating of a day that involves insane amounts of intoxication. While you’re at it might as well give up celebrating mothers and fathers day too – because if you don’t need to be reminded to celebrate one another you certainly dont need a reminder to celebrate your parents.

I don’t mind if you don’t celebrate Valentines Day, although perhaps the lonely old lady or man down the street might like a rose and some chocolates. Perhaps the lady at the checkout who lost her husband to cancer might like a nice card or a cup of tea or coffee? Especially after having served hundreds of gooey eyed teens and nervous husbands.

I don’t mind if don’t celebrate Valentines Day, but if you’re going to hate on this day of love – keep your hate to yourself and think of the lady down the street.

Happy Valentines Day!

2 thoughts on “Valentines Day Scrooges and Haters

  1. So if you don’t like V-day, you shouldn’t celebrate any holidays at all? Well that’s retarded logic. I do like your idea of doing something special for the lonely ones out there, though.

  2. I really like this post, I think it’s a very good way to look at all the ‘something days’ and question why they are there.. Celebrate love, without it, what do we have.. Well,, cats.

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